Friday, August 9, 2013

Updates on our little family :)

WOW, nearly a year since I have last posted (ooops!) maybe it has something to do with having two very busy babies! :) WELL, here are updates on everyone in our family!!

Dad- Hunter has got a promotion at work and is now a "chief" dispatcher. His schedule has changed & that means so have the boys' and I schedule. I am so proud of Hunter and what he has accomplished at work. Not only the promotion, but he received his bachelors degree this past May at DBU!! He is such a hard working man, provider & the BEST dad to our boys!

Jayton - There are no words to describe this child except ... "he's just bubba" ... His "coco" (Hunters dad) Calls him, Dozer Boy....& he is JUST that. He gets into any and everything, whenever, however, & is NON STOP!  He is starting to talk, grow, and be SO smart. He just turned two which just blows my mind..I cannot believe he is TWO! UGH! He is starting  "preschool" on Tuesday/Thursday from 9-2pm. I think this will be SO good for him to be with other kids & learn from someone other than mom! I am so excited for him, we soon have to go buy a backpack & lunchbox for him, that will be fun! Looking forward to seeing how school changes him ({for the BETTER}) I hope!!

Ralen- He is my little cuddle bug, think twice before he does anything, and level headed kid! He is the SWEETEST little smiley boy!! Coco calls Ralen "Smiley" .. because you will NEVER see Ralen without a smile on his face. Although, brother is showing him the ways of "FUN" (( getting into shaving cream, soap, and toothpaste)) LITERALLY they have gotten into all three of those things in 24 hours! Ralen too will be going to "preschool" it will be harder for me to let him go, because he is so smiley and sweet, I would love to just have him with me cuddling 24/7! But, I am excited to watch him grow and learn from school too!!

Mom- WELL, not much has changed with mom. I think I have done my hair three times since my last post, and I am lucky if I get to brush my teeth before noon!! BUT, I am starting school, just one class, while the boys go to their school! I am excited for further my education and get my degree (one day!!) But for now, I will just take 1-2 class(es) at a time, so when the boys are ready for school, I will have my degree! Life is just a roller coaster every day, I get up in the morning & just hold on till the ride is over! And I really do look like I just got off a roller coaster by bed time!!

Well, I think that is all for now! Until next time!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful for...

I just want to write the 22 things I am thankful for ALL in one :))
1. Our Lord and Savior!
2. My wonderful husband
3. Our beautiful children
4. My parents/the kids grandparents/Hunters parents!
5. Hunters job--allows me to stay at home, and be financially stable!
6. Our SWEET home. I am SO thankful for our home!!
7. My sassy Sadie Belle--she has been with Hunter and I through EVERYTHING!
8. Our kuerig -- can't live without it!
9. Our church home- it is SO wonderful!
10. Our vehicles--can't get to and fro without em!
11. NAP TIME- I just LOVE when it is the boys' nap time :)
12. BED TIME- I LOVE bed time more than anything else!! lol
13. Facebook-I love I can update family on how the boys are doing.
14. WINE- I love, love, love, love wine and I am so very thankful Jesus turned water into wine!
15. Target- (my husband...not so much) but I am so thankful there is such thing as target!!
16. My momma- I am so thankful she was/is the role model I had growing up. She is such a great mom, and I had the best example of how to be the best mom and wife. She has taught me everything I know, I hope my kids will look back and feel the way about me as I do my mom! Love you momma!
17. Ellen- she is seriously the best. I always get a good laugh watching her show, or a good cry! She is just wonderful.
18. Hopeless romantic movies- YUP. I just love to eat a GALLON of ice cream and bawl my eyes out in my pajamas.
19. Disney- I am so thankful for Disney, because I have found my place in this world as a disney princess.
20. Memories- I know this is strange, but I am so thankful for the memories I have all good and bad, they have taught me about love, life, and everything in between. I can relive the best times over and over, in the moment when everything felt right.
21. Books- I love books on how to be a better wife, mom, and homemaker. They teach me SO many things!
22. Finally, I am thankful for my daddy. Although he isn't my biological father, he is MY dad. He has pushed me to my limits, helped me up, and walked me down the aisle. He is the very best Papa for our boys & he is one of the most hard working, selfless, respectful man I know. :) I know to this day, if there is one person I can count on, its always him. Thanks dad for everything you do.

My 22 days of thanks! :-)

REAL QUICK:: I've been really praying hard lately for patience. I am not impatient with the boys, but every night around bed time and during the day before nap time I can really feel my patience running thin. And every day it seems to be getting harder and harder, ever since I started praying. Then it hit me, God wont just give me patience when I ask. He is making me LEARN how to have patience. He knows my limits, and it's getting a little better every day. Anyone else who is struggling with the "unanswered prayers" try to think of things a little differently. By the boys being more of a handful, He is pushing me that much harder to have more patience. Just because He isn't answering your prayer the way you want it to be answered, doesn't mean he isn't listening!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Long time NO blog!

Oh my goodness! Life has been ever so crazy. I realized shortly after my last post is when I started having gall bladder attacks with my Pregnancy. After four stays at the hospital, we now have the sweetest little boy, Ralen James. Shortly after Ralen was born they took him to NICU for his breathing. He was in there five days & two days after he was born I had surgery to get my gall bladder out. It was a ROUGH couple of weeks not only healing from surgery, but getting use to being a mother of two, breastfeeding and still trying to keep up with the house. But slowly but surely, mommy got better, Ralen got older, and the house was clean again!
We thought Jayton was a good baby--but I promise Ralen is 100x better! Ralen started sleeping through the night at two months old. He NEVER cries, other than to be fed, or changed. I thought having two kids ten months apart was going to be so hard...well, don't get me wrong, its difficult...but, it is SO much fun. :)

OAN:: I have been having difficulty lately, all my other SAHM friends seem to have everything together. Their houses are spotless, kids are happy, and laundry is always kept up with. I have had a wake up call here lately that I just CANT do it all. My house is never DIRTY,  it gets messy (nothing that a quick pick up cant fix) but its never perfect. I never have the laundry fully caught up with, and it seems like one of my kids is crying all the time. BUT, I have been okay with the fact, this is how my life is right now. If my kids are crying because they need something, and my floors need swept--you better believe I will mend to my children before I do the floors! I wish I could say I have it all together, a perfect home, no laundry piles, and picture perfect kids---but it's FAR from that at the Talley house. I have been okay with it though, and I am not going to stress myself out, or compromise being a mother (or lose my patience) because it is just not worth it!

I am going to start going to a group with our church called "CT (cross timbers) mommies" they meet on Fridays at 9:30AM. I think it will help get both the boys and I out of the house, they will be able to play with other kids their ages, and I will get to fellowship & have adult conversations with other mommies, and hopefully be able to laugh about our chaotic lives! I am very excited--and hopeful on finding SAHM 's around us!!

We DO plan on having more kids, and will probably start trying again in 2014! But until then, I will just enjoy being a mommy to my two wonderful kiddos!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

So, It really hit me today....hard. I am a mom of (almost) 2 boys. EEK! I am SO excited, little boys are the absolute best. BUT, they also will turn into one big hormone soon! I was listening to the radio (94.9 KLTY) & this song came on... it's called "Lead me" by Sanctus Real. This song is SO incredible. Here are some of the lyrics:::

Lead me with strong hands
Stand up when I can't
Don't leave me hungry for love
Chasing dreams, what about us?

Show me you're willing to fight
That I'm still the love of your life
I know we call this our home
But I still feel alone

So Father, give me the strength
To be everything I'm called to be
Oh Father, show me the way
To lead them

It is about man praying about his future family, him asking God to lead him to be the dad and husband God wants him to be. HOW AMAZING IS THAT? This song just brought tears to my eyes as I was driving down I-35 with my sleeping baby boy in the backseat & a kicking baby boy in my tummy. It came on to me quickly that it is Hunter and I's job to teach Jayton & Jax about the men God wants them to be. I couldn't be more excited about it! I am so glad I have a supporting husband who also wants his boys to grow up to be men of God. They have the perfect role model -- their dad!--. Hunter is such a great person, inside and out. He is not afraid to pray with me or for me, with our children or for them. I believe as parents of boys, we have to teach them how to be Godly men, how to treat their spouse, and how to provide. I hope my boys can make some woman as happy as Hunter has made me! 
Jax & Jayton's updates:: We had Jaxs' doctor appointment this morning..he's doing great! He is measuring to be 1lb (hehe)! His heartbeat is 143bpm! He sure is a stinkin cutie pie!! 
Jaytons update: His 6 month appointment was about two weeks ago, he too is as healthy as can be! He is wearing 12month clothes right now & is 20lbs. He is in the 96th percentile for height & 86th for weight. He is crawling, & lifting himself up on ANYTHING!! I'm sure he is going to be walking in no time. This little boy has grown up so fast. Even staying home with him and getting to watch him grow 24/ feels like yesterday I just had him. I love my little boys to pieces!!

Pinterest has inspired me:: 1. to organize my house
2. To cook meals for my husand (he is a health nut, & I can always find a tasty healthy recipe)
3. To make things myself!
4. How to save money!
5. Little tricks to make life easier!! 
6. How easy life can be if you are organized!! I have been in the process of gutting out my house and organizing it! I know my husband it happier, I sure am happier & happy mom=happy everyone else!! I absolutely LOVE pinterest, it has changed my life for the better!! 

Well, I think that is all the new updates for our family! :) Have a wonderful day!! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bubbas & new baby Talley update!

Whew, I haven't posted anything in a while!

Here is Jaytons update on his 4 month checkup- He is 16lb even. He is 26.5 inches long. Which brings him to the 70th percintile on weight & the 90th on height! I think we have got an athlete on our hands! He is growing up so much. Last night my mother in law bought us the "baby bullet" to be able to make his own baby food. Since his doctor has okayed us, we made him sweet potatoes! I could not feed them fast enough to him! He loved them! I don't think I am going to have a hard time getting this child to eat ANYTHING! haha!! It is such a blast to watch him grow and learn new things!! I am one proud momma!!

About baby Talley #2- She/He (she...hehe!) is doing great! I went to the doctor last week & I was 9weeks along. The doctor said I was more than ready for another baby, well my body was anyway. My due date in July 7th right now, but we are going to ask to get induced the end of June. The reason being, is our medical insurance in July is going to start doing a $2,000 deductible. But If we have the baby in June, it will cost us $35, just like Jayton did. So Hopefully everything is wonderful in this pregnancy, just as the last one, to where she will be okay with inducing me a week early!

Both of my kids are doing great!! I'll say, life is pretty good right now!! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jayton's MiLESTONE number one!

Okay so a couple mornings ago, right after I fed him...I set Jayton down on his tummy. I was watching him move around and it looked like he was about to roll over. I thought in my head "should I go get my looks like he is trying to roll over"....then i second guessed it, thinking "no way is he going to roll over! He is only 10 weeks old!" Right after that thought ran through my head he ROLLED OVER! I couldn't believe it! And neither could he! haha, after he rolled over his eyes got HUGE and he was just in shock for about three seconds (as was I). I think we both had just huge eyes, and were motionless! Then I jumped up and was screaming and hollering out of excitement. Hunter was sleeping because he was working a night shift that night, but I just HAD to wake him up and tell him! I was just so excited and such a proud mother. He has done it since!! I now have to be EXTRA careful while changing him, bathing him etc. I am just so proud of him! He is getting ENTIRELY too big, I just want him a newborn baby again :( Although, sleep is nice! Everyone knows I LOVE my sleep!!

This is totally not part of his milestone, but last night we had a bachelorette party! "we" is My sister-in-law Lisa and our cousin Elizabeth! We got a blacked out SUV to take us to down town Fort Worth, ate at UNO's...went to 8.0  and four day weekend! 8.0 is a bar, and four day weekend is a comedy club. We had so much fun!! We all stayed the night at my Mother-in-laws house! My momma kept Jayton for me, so I got to sleep and wake up on my own! It was so nice and much needed! Anyway, I am EXTREMELY honored to be the Matron Of Honor in Lisa's wedding! She is going to be the most beautiful bride! Just two weeks left!!

Well I think that's it for now! Next milestone:scooting/crawling! AHH, everyone has said they grow up FAST, but i think fast is an UNDERSTATEMENT! It is the speed of light!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The man I call my Husband..

I just want to tell y'all about the man my husband is and brag on him a little bit :)

  I just love him so much. He works SO hard, he works nights, weekends, holidays, and his job is sOoO stressful. When he has a bad day he always comes home with a smile on his face and NEVER complains. In fact, he comes home thankful to have a job. Not only does he work just one job, but TWO. He is a firefighter in the Air Force and works that one weekend a month and two weeks a year.

Hunter will work 17 days in a row sometimes, and never has a poor attitude about it. He is my rock. He is always trying to go further and get more education to be able to provide for his family. He respects the fact I wanted to stay home with our Son, watch him grow, and be the best mother I can be. Not only does he work shift-work, but he is going to school full time. Hunter makes me want to be a better wife, mother and all around person.
  He never gets angry when something doesn't go his way, he never yells at me, always listens when I need someone to talk to, and makes me smile. He puts me first in everything he does and always makes "us" time.  Not only is he a wonderful Husband, and provider, but he is the worlds greatest dad. He has so much love for Jayton, I am SO thankful Jayton has a father like Hunter. As a mentor, role model, best friend, baseball partner, and sometimes a discipliner (Lord knows that will be my weakness).

I have so much respect for the man I call my Husband. He is just the BEST. I love you Hunter, thank you so much for being the man that you are :)