Thursday, November 1, 2012

Long time NO blog!

Oh my goodness! Life has been ever so crazy. I realized shortly after my last post is when I started having gall bladder attacks with my Pregnancy. After four stays at the hospital, we now have the sweetest little boy, Ralen James. Shortly after Ralen was born they took him to NICU for his breathing. He was in there five days & two days after he was born I had surgery to get my gall bladder out. It was a ROUGH couple of weeks not only healing from surgery, but getting use to being a mother of two, breastfeeding and still trying to keep up with the house. But slowly but surely, mommy got better, Ralen got older, and the house was clean again!
We thought Jayton was a good baby--but I promise Ralen is 100x better! Ralen started sleeping through the night at two months old. He NEVER cries, other than to be fed, or changed. I thought having two kids ten months apart was going to be so hard...well, don't get me wrong, its difficult...but, it is SO much fun. :)

OAN:: I have been having difficulty lately, all my other SAHM friends seem to have everything together. Their houses are spotless, kids are happy, and laundry is always kept up with. I have had a wake up call here lately that I just CANT do it all. My house is never DIRTY,  it gets messy (nothing that a quick pick up cant fix) but its never perfect. I never have the laundry fully caught up with, and it seems like one of my kids is crying all the time. BUT, I have been okay with the fact, this is how my life is right now. If my kids are crying because they need something, and my floors need swept--you better believe I will mend to my children before I do the floors! I wish I could say I have it all together, a perfect home, no laundry piles, and picture perfect kids---but it's FAR from that at the Talley house. I have been okay with it though, and I am not going to stress myself out, or compromise being a mother (or lose my patience) because it is just not worth it!

I am going to start going to a group with our church called "CT (cross timbers) mommies" they meet on Fridays at 9:30AM. I think it will help get both the boys and I out of the house, they will be able to play with other kids their ages, and I will get to fellowship & have adult conversations with other mommies, and hopefully be able to laugh about our chaotic lives! I am very excited--and hopeful on finding SAHM 's around us!!

We DO plan on having more kids, and will probably start trying again in 2014! But until then, I will just enjoy being a mommy to my two wonderful kiddos!!

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